» Poster Guidelines
Posters are presented digitally on screens, printing is not required. Posters can be viewed by delegates at any time at the various poster stations. The poster stations will be signposted at the venue.
Technical information:
- Posters will be displayed in LANDSCAPE
- File format: .pdf (please ‘save as pdf’ and not ‘print to pdf’)
- Poster size in pixel: 1920 width x 1080 height
- Poster size in cm: 33,867 width x 19,05 height
- Please click here for instructions on how to prepare your PowerPoint slide for display, before you save it to PDF.
- When saving the PDF, please include in the file name your abstract number, title, and your author name.
Use the PPT template provided here.
Please upload your poster as PDF file (not as a PowerPoint file) with a maximum of 3Mb.
Preparation of your poster:
- Title Consistency: Ensure that the poster title exactly matches the title of you abstract.
- Essential Information: Include title, author list, affiliations, and abstract number in the poster
- Self-Explanatory Design: Your poster should be self-explanatory as the posters will be displayed throughout the days for the delegates who might be viewing them independently.
- You have received your poster number with your accepted notification, please include this in your poster as a page numbering.

Poster set-up:
- There is no poster set-up onsite, we have digital poster stations and your poster can be viewed throughout the entire congress .
Display period:
- All posters will be digitally exhibited from Wednesday March 26th to Saturday March 29th
- Please note that there will be no organized poster walk.
- Your poster is needed by March 3, please email your poster to echno2025@amsterdamumc.nl
- Please put in the subject of the email: Your abstractnumber, your posternumber, title and your name.
To download the pdf please click here